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Modern Slavery Intelligence Network Conference 2025

Wednesday 26 March, 2025

MSIN’s next conference is taking place with the kind support of Tesco, at their event facility in the Heart building in Welwyn Garden City.

Building on the phenomenal success of previous conferences, MSIN is proud to be showcasing a fabulous array of speaker on the topic of ‘Disruption’ of Modern Slavery.

  • Keynote speakers with unique insight into combating modern slavery and labour rights abuse
  • Emily Kenway - Researcher and former advisor to the Anti Slavery Commissioner, a passionate advocate for action
  • Cristina Talens - A former adviser to the UN program against trafficking, Cristina now works with businesses to uncover labour rights abuses
  • Panel discussions on how members can work together to disrupt modern slavery
Operation Fort & Origin

What to expect

Topics will include the enforcement view of disruption, from a leading UK Police unit, to how business can go beyond audits to really delve into the risks in their businesses and supply chains.

IT and AI will also play a part in our discussions and themes – as we explore how tech can help us with our aim to disrupt modern day slavery and protect our workforces.

Speakers include award winning author, and former advisor to the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner Emily Kenway, and renowned expert labour and huma rights abuse, with over 20 years of practically supporting business to uncover and tackle modern slavery in their businesses and supply chains.

In addition, MSIN are offering businesses the chance to support our work with sponsorship packages – with more information available from claire.donovan@MSIN.org.uk

Its shaping up to be a incredibly informative event – with opportunities for network and conversation in this crucial topic – Why wouldn’t you be there?

Operation Fort & Origin

The Tesco Heart building in Welwyn Garden City.

Conference 2023

A look back at our last conference

The MSIN Conference 2023 was held on the 6th September to report on sharing intelligence to combat modern slavery and engage with wider stakeholders on modern slavery issues in the food and agriculture sector.

A range of speakers, including The Rt Hon Theresa May, and Caroline Haughey OBE, delivered impactful messages including:

  • Modern slavery represents the greatest human rights risk of our time, and the issue is growing, driven by global inequality and instability, increasingly exacerbated by climate change which will drive greater risk and increase the vulnerabilities of the poorest.
  • There is a lack of political leadership on the topic, particularly in the UK, so business must fill the void and continue to apply pressure on government to develop better policy and effective law enforcement, and to join up across government departments on this issue. The role of the Anti-Slavery Commissioner is enshrined in UK law and must be filled.
  • A new Global Commission on Modern Slavery will be launched in October by Mrs May in order to work towards filling this leadership void. It will focus on increasing the visibility of modern slavery
    leadership, gathering a compelling evidence base of trends and vulnerabilities and identify which policy and enforcement is most effective and how governments can collaborate effectively.
  • Supply chain due diligence will be fundamental – businesses will be held responsible for exploitation in their supply chains, and turning a blind eye is not a defence in a court of law. Best practice guidance
    will be key, particularly to bringing SMEs on the same journey as the larger companies.
  • Intelligence, to build issue and trend mapping, will be critical, including all that shared by MSIN members and additionally engagement with survivors to understand gaps and flaws in the system of exploitation and the ‘red flags’ to look out for.
Conference 2023 - Review