Join Us

Join our member companies to develop an innovative and proactive intelligence-sharing mechanism to enhance their effectiveness in disrupting modern slavery and labour exploitation within the UK.

Why Join?

  • Collaborate with likeminded businesses who seek to eradicate labour exploitation in the sector and take collective action.
  • Create a picture of what is happening across the industry and understand if others seeing similar patterns
  • Validate information against other expert sources.
  • Learn from other members on how they address different scenarios and request checks from other members when specific names or organisations crop up in alerts.
  • Help identify new forms of exploitation and build a more complete picture of the issue in the sector.

If you’re interested in joining MSIN, complete the form and we’ll get back to you with further details. 

If you’d like more details on how to join or support MSIN, complete the form and we’ll get back to you.

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Are you interested in joining or supporting MSIN?


To become a member of the MSIN:

  • Data compliance: Must be compliant with all relevant data protection regulations.
  • Financially capable: Must understand and be financially capable of discharging the requirements of the indemnity clause of the MSIN membership agreement and payment of fees.
  • Modern Slavery Procedures: Must have a published modern slavery statement fulfilling Home Office guidance, regardless of minimum turnover. Must have a written modern slavery procedure that manages cases in line with victim protection.
  • Active Representation: Must have a nominated representative who can take leadership within MSIN and who can make decisions relating to potential modern slavery cases, such as attending regular meetings.
  • Active Intelligence Sharing: Expected to be an active contributor of intelligence.
Operation Fort & Origin

Membership Fees

The membership fee is set by the board on an annual basis. Annual payment of these fees is in April.


Turnover Threshold


Up to £5m turnover


£5m to £10m turnover


£10m to £25m turnover


£25m to £40m turnover


£40m+ turnover

Member Benefits

Collaboration, networking and best practice sharing...

…opportunities with like-minded businesses. A safe space to raise alarms, indicate high risk threats and report suspicions as well as learn from others’ actions.

Access to Stop The Traffik databases...

…to share information and understand risks/issues their business may be facing. 

Validation of information...

…against other expert sources and support of collective actions where needed.

Regular Reports

…on modern slavery issues and trends faced by the UK grocery industry.

Evidence of Activity

… improvement in achieving compliance and managing reputational risk.