What We Do

MSIN Members share intelligence to create an in-depth view of what is happening in relation to modern slavery to generate new insights and take action to protect the vulnerable.

Benefits of MSIN

  • It is a secure, innovative, and proactive intelligence-sharing platform that aims to produce collective actions.
  • Creates a space to raise alarms (to indicate high-risk threats and immediate action) and report suspicions of exploitation.
  • Provides evidence of activity, improvement in achieving compliance and managing reputational risk.
About us


The importance of trust and secure platforms

MSIN is an intelligence-sharing platform that facilitates the production of insights and trends to drive collective action in disrupting modern slavery in the UK food and agriculture sector. The structure of a secure database and a shared database allows members to actively share intelligence.


Submission of Intelligence

Intelligence from members and other sources


MSIN User’s Secured Database

Analysis by Stop the Traffik to identify:

Actionable insights Trends

Lessons leanred


Shared Database

Members take actions to investigate, prevent, disrupt or remediate labour exploitation

Members increase their understanding, capacity and collaboration

Law enforcement is able to act on insights


Collective Action

Individuals experiencing exploitation are identified and supported

Perpetrators are identified

Exploitation is disrupted


Examples of the information shared in MSIN

These examples demonstrate the types of intelligence and reports shared into the MSIN database.


How you can share into MSIN

These are some of the steps and reassurances on how you, as an individual in your organisation, can contribute intelligence to the
MSIN database.

Identification of your nominated MSIN representative

In your organisation, it should be signposted who the nominated MSIN user (who has access to the database) is and the internal process of how you can contact/share intelligence with them.

Types of Information

You can share intelligence (suspicions, incidents with identifiable or anonymised data etc.) on modern slavery and labour exploitation in the food and agriculture sector with your nominated MSIN user. Members make their own assessments and act in accordance with their own processes to decide if intelligence goes into the MSIN database.


Any information you provide for MSIN externally will be anonymous. The intelligence in the secure and shared database will not be linked back to you.


Data Protection

All data entered into the MSIN database is owned by the respective MSIN member organisation. Discussions will only be initiated with the MSIN member and STOP THE TRAFFIK Group (STTG). STTG will not go to law enforcement as a first response.


What is done with intelligence

This section highlights the direct actions taken in response to the intelligence shared in the MSIN database to develop a victim-centred approach to disrupt exploitative practices.


At any stage of the handling process, intelligence may reach the threshold of being actionable to contact law enforcement or other appropriate first response agencies (e.g., serious safeguarding concerns or suspicion of serious offence).

MSIN Advisory Group (constitutes 4 experienced group members) mediates discussion when there is disagreement about appropriate next steps or members need support from one another.

STOP THE TRAFFIK Group (STTG) acts as a liaison between MSIN members offering expert subject matter knowledge and assisting in investigatory processes as required.


Either a member or STOP THE TRAFFIK Group (STTG) can grade a report as needing to be the subject of an alert for all members. Intelligence must be actionable and time-sensitive.

No personal identifying information is included in the alert email.

Members conduct their own due diligence before taking action on the intelligence provided in MSIN to protect victims and prevent further exploitation.

Member Benefits

Collaboration, networking and best practice sharing...

…opportunities with likeminded businesses. A safe space to rasie alarms, inidcate high risk threats and report suspicions as well as learn from others’ actions.

Access to Stop The Traffik databases...

…to share information and understand risks/issues their business may be facing. 

Validation of information...

…against other expert sources and support of collective actions where needed.

Regular Reports

…on modern slavery issues and trends faced by the UK grocery industry.

Evidence of Activity

… improvement in achieving compliance and managing reputational risk.